Our history
Delivering behavioural change devices into homes for nearly 20 years.
In 1994 the United Kingdom became the first country to set energy and carbon reduction targets for energy companies and action in the poorest homes.
This activity continues today under schemes like the Energy Company Obligation. Reducing energy costs and carbon in UK homes is nothing particularly new.
Up to 2013, these obligations included delivering behavioural change devices into homes too; energy efficient compact fluorescent lightbulbs, energy efficient kettles, standby off devices and a host of other products.
Tens of millions of devices were delivered in this way, creating emission reductions which UK plc ultimately put towards the total carbon reductions made as a country over the last 30 years. The team at Littlesteps were right at the centre of a revolution in thinking.
Our Team.
Our Team
As a team we were at the centre of this work
The work we as a group delivered made a real difference. It made people start thinking about small changes to bring about savings, reductions in energy use and bills.
Across Europe it is now almost impossible to purchase inefficient light bulbs, arguably as a direct result of the activity to deliver free energy efficient lighting into peoples’ homes.
Perhaps for the first time ever, people considered whether expensive lighting compared with a slight change in the lighting experience but achieved a good deal more cheaply was worth the trade-off.
Our team created schemes getting products approved for use in the energy company carbon reduction space. These schemes, typically offering free products to consumers, were extensively marketed and fulfilled to exacting standards.
A huge array of free energy reducing devices were delivered into homes over a great many years: tens of millions of devices over a period of ten years. We believe we broke some world records in the process.
Now Littlesteps is spring boarding from the obligated activity to voluntarily helping homes make changes – using carbon finance to enable these activities.
The voluntary carbon reduction market is growing exponentially. With growth forecasted at significant levels and the opportunity to carry out projects in the UK, it seems time for some experts to come together who have been ‘here’ before. If quality, scale and an ability to demonstrate being able to deliver, we believe we can meet this growing need to create and delivery quality Verified Emission Reductions.